How long does it take?
How long does it take to make art?
(Shown: "Current Event", 24" X 30", Acrylic)

I worked on this piece for more than 60 hours.
A painting is a picture of an idea. So, I tell myself…
”Just say it. Make it happen. Get busy…
This shouldn’t take long. Be bold and keep moving.
Get on with it and move on to the next one…”
There is unpredictability and unfolding of the process.
There are new perspectives, details, adjustments, insights.
and... it is taking longer that I thought to finish. Every time.
I like the way Nora Roberts put it in an NPR interview.
She is a successful, popular Romance writer.
The interviewer asked her about her prolific output.
He said, “You have written 193 books! That’s impressive.
How long does it take to write one?"
Her answer… ”It takes until it’s finished.”
That’s how I know a painting is finished…
...when it’s done. That's how long.